Bollywood beauty, Katrina Kaif will spend her Christmas with the family. All thanks to the kind soul Aamir Khan, her co-star in Dhoom 3. The actor reportedly, kept the filming of Dhoom 3 on hold, for a week, to let Katrina Kaif take a break and spend Christmas and New Year with her family in London.
It is heard that Aamir requested the producers of the film to delay the schedule so that Kats could take a Christmas break. Well, Talaash is declared a hit and actor Aamir Khan is super happy. Hence he has decided to go slow in his other project Dhoom 3.
As a source tells a tabloid, “Aamir has been in a remarkable mood. In fact, it was during a casual conversation with the rest of the cast that Katrina mentioned her wish to spend Christmas and New Year with her family. Initially, the unit was to shoot throughout the last week of the year. Aamir requested the production house to delay the shoot so that Kat could take her holiday.”
Presently, Katrina is in Mumbai, getting trained for her stunts in the the action-thriller. She will soon move to London for her holiday.
The movie’s next schedule is set for February, 2013.
It is heard that Aamir requested the producers of the film to delay the schedule so that Kats could take a Christmas break. Well, Talaash is declared a hit and actor Aamir Khan is super happy. Hence he has decided to go slow in his other project Dhoom 3.
As a source tells a tabloid, “Aamir has been in a remarkable mood. In fact, it was during a casual conversation with the rest of the cast that Katrina mentioned her wish to spend Christmas and New Year with her family. Initially, the unit was to shoot throughout the last week of the year. Aamir requested the production house to delay the shoot so that Kat could take her holiday.”
Presently, Katrina is in Mumbai, getting trained for her stunts in the the action-thriller. She will soon move to London for her holiday.
The movie’s next schedule is set for February, 2013.
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